The one room school house normally had students from first grade to 8th grade, all being taught by one teacher. There were normally room for 2 or 3 voters at a time to vote. They had a small pot belly store to keep the election officials and voters warm on cold day.
They were pulled by horses then later by tractors to vacant lots, parks. The voting booth has large wheels similar to the old covered wagons. The church is used for weddings, funerals and special events. The old railroad terminal, old pair of railroad crossing signals from downtown that was installed by my father in law who was a railroader and lived in Hilliards, there is also an old Church, a log 2 floor cabin with an outhouse, a old one room school, old covered bridge, old voting booth and many more items.Īll of these are in a 19th century village green.
Most all of them were moved from other areas in or around Hilliards. There are several old buildings from the 1800's and early 1900's. This is a hidden Gem in the heart of Hilliard on the Franklin County Fair Grounds.